
U of M hosts founder of the Weather Channel
John Coleman has been a meteorologist since 1953, was a founder of theThe Weather Channel,...
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Marc Morano’s Earth Week Tour: Syracuse, SUNY Fredonia and UCONN
CFACT campuses all over the Northeast have been hosting Marc Morano, the man behind CFACT's...
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UW hosts CFACT National Director
Bill Gilles, the National Director of CFACT, was in Madison, WI Monday, April 19, 2010...
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Georgia Tech learns about developments in technology happening on campus!
Georgia Tech just brought a speaker in, Marcia Kinstler, head of the Stewardship department on...
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Clean coal in Austin
Things have been busy this past week for CFACT at University of Texas, Austin! Austin...
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Free trade coffee at Syracuse
CFACT members at Syracuse handed out coffee and flyers at Schine Student Center to raise...
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Jonah Goldberg visits CFACT chapters at UW and U of Mn
In what has become an annual tradition for the two upper-midwest CFACTchapters, Jonah Goldberg addressed...
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Global warming weak links
CFACT is in Bonn, Germany at the UN Conference on Climate Change to warn the...
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Vanderbilt CFACT shoots and scoops
Yesterday, CFACT-Vanderbilt took to the great outdoors and exercised their 2nd amendment rights. They demonstrated...
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Jay Dauenhauer visits CFACT at UT Austin
Earlier this week CFACT UT hosted Jay Dauenhauer, an industry expert who works for the...
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