
Jonah Goldberg Brings Truth, Humor to Midwest
At his recent speaking engagements at the University of Minnesota and University of Wisconsin, Jonah...
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CFACT to Welcome Jonah Goldberg
CFACT will kick off the Spring 2006 semester with the return of one of the...
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CFACT-Madison wins legal victory!
The Madison CFACT chapter won a legal victory recently, prevailing over illegal actions made by...
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Puck Drops at Climate Change Conference
Students in CFACT chapters from across the United States took part in the UN Climate...
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Milwaukee Students Learn About Stewardship
Students at UW-Milwaukee learn about the foundations of conservation and the environmental record of the...
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SUNY Students Win Decisive Federal Court Battle
A federal judge ruled this week that the current student fees system that funds such...
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CFACT Students Attend Renewable Energy Forum
CFACT members of the University of Minnesota - Morris chapter participated in a renewable energy...
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UNC Chapter Cleans Battle’s Park
The CFACT chapter at University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill has been busy cleaning...
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Bringing CFACT’s Message to the Lone Star State
National president speaks to students from four Texas campuses about opportunities to promote environmentally friendly...
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CFACT takes on Hurricane Wilma relief effort for poor Mexican villages [UPDATED]
Hurricane Wilma recently devastated many villages in Mexico, including the village CFACT has "adopted." Learn...
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