“Thank God for Oil and Gas” at Miami University, OH
Adam Houser, CFACT's Director of Collegians, begins his talk at Miami University, OH Collegians Director...
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CFACT Spooks Students With Green New Deal Facts!
Students were scared straight at the recent Turning Point USA Western Conference  when CFACT National...
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CFACT tables at Georgetown to discuss conservation and climate change with students
Cover photo credit: CO2 Coalition A Georgetown students signs up to learn more about CFACT...
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Minnesota CFACT kicks off recruitment drive!
CFACT at the University of Minnesota hosted an information table in Coffman Student Union to...
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UCLA and CFACT adopt action plan to bring real science back to California
CFACT's Graham Beduze addresses students at UCLA The "People's Republic of California," as the state...
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Ohio State learns firearm safety and hunting practice!
CFACT students from Ohio State listen to gun safety training from the experts at Big...
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Bird conservation at George Mason University
CFACT student David Bucarey distributes bird decals to his peers on GMU campus Hundreds of...
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CFACT brings free market environmentalism to TPUSA Black Leadership Summit
Students crowd CFACT's table to learn more about property rights and energy Capitalism saves the...
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Experts persevere over protesters at Georgetown climate rebuttal
Attendees and protesters wait outside the venue as campus police sorts through the chaos. CFACT...
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CFACT discusses value of property rights on ALEC “Across the States” podcast
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) recently featured CFACT on its "Across the States" podcast...
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