Earlier in the school year prior to Covid-19, CFACT spoke to the College Republican Leadership at the University of Southern California. CFACT National Director Adam Houser led the talk and spoke about activism on campus and how students can form coalitions to fight back against regressive campus policies and measures.
In the talk Adam laid out key examples of how CFACT has been able to control the narrative on campus and fight back against the censorship and bias against liberty minded groups.” By bringing in speakers like Ben Shapiro and Marc Morano debate heated issues like CFACT’s Chapter has done at the University of Minnesota, or writing letters to the editor like CFACT Vanderbuilt and University of Louisiana Chapters, or being more environmentally friendly than the green groups by cleaning up local parks like CFACTS’s Chapter at Florida State. The key to winning over hearts and minds on campus is by being active, “ stated Adam.
The students were excited to learn more about CFACT and were interested in partnering up to help bring liberty minded solutions to California’s environmental problems. One USC Student said, “It’s great to learn about groups like CFACT who are willing to work with anyone really to help bring solutions not fear to the environmental debate on campus. We look forward to holding events and partnering up with them in the future!”