
College is where global warming alarmism thrives. Here’s how to stop that.
In August of this past year, at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, professors Rebecca...
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Fish Out Of Water: The Quiet Assult On Fisherman’s Rights
  It seems like it was just yesterday when a father and son could simply...
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Guilt: The Left’s Greatest Weapon
When people look at the numerous environmental disasters of our time it is hard not...
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Corporations cashing in on climate at UN conference in Morocco
The sharks are circling. At least, that’s what it felt like in the convention halls...
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Pokemon Go & Energy
Pokemon Go and Energy   It seems just about everyone has taken to the streets...
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Free Speech Matters
Why Free Speech Matters Recently reports have come to surface of Facebook, Twitter, and other...
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Valiant: Three Reasons Why Climate Skepticism is Rising
Valiant: Three Reasons Why Climate Skepticism is Rising When Al Gore released the film An...
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Should The Climate Alarmist Disown Al Gore?
  In professional sports of all kinds players, coaches, and even team owners are known...
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Bully: Why the EPA Should be the Focus of the White House’s Anti-Bullying Campaign.
  Growing up in life comes with a multitude of challenges. Learning how to swim...
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Five Reasons Why Labeling GMOs is a Bad Idea.
Five Reasons Why Labeling GMOs is a Bad Idea. The newest wave of regressive regulations...
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