Tuesday, September 17th is a very important day on the yearly calendar. It is the day that American’s celebrate Constitution Day, when the Founding Fathers finally signed that subliminal document. CFACT chapters at SUNY-Albany and Union College in New York celebrated this day as they understood our Founders’ belief in a limited, restrained government. In an area of stifled energy activity due to the extended moratorium on high-volume hydraulic fracturing, members sought to educate students about how the power of the free market could be utilized to find the best solutions to the growing energy crisis. In traditional Constitution Day form, the CFACT chapters handed out pocket Constitution books on campus.
In addition to handing out these books, CFACT leaders discussed the year ahead and the various kinds of events that they will host later this semester. Focusing on the issue of fracking, the chapters at Union and SUNY-Albany are excited to reinvigorate activity and educate students about why we must empower private enterprise, not the government, to find solutions to the energy and environmental debate.