Many of CFACT’s Collegians are looking at their post-graduate future and hoping for big changes to their employment prospects. CFACT’s senior policy advisor Paul Driessen recently wrote an article on horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing and how ‘fracking’ has provided thousands of jobs and opportunity. Driessen notes that ‘fracking’, “boosted shale gas production from zero a few years ago to 10 percent of all US energy supplies in 2012.”
Driessen further notes, “the fracking revolution created 1.7 million jobs”, “generate over $60 billion this year in state and federal tax and royalty revenues,” and save America $175 Billion from reduced imported energy.
Our collegians took notice of these fact – ‘fracking’ will create 3.6 million jobs by 2020 and increase US GDP by 3%!
These facts shine like spotlights in the darkness of the last four years of recession and job destruction.
Driessen sums up the possibilities for future college grads thusly, “That means more manufacturing and other jobs for millions of graduates and unemployed workers, and new prosperity for the “Rust Belt” and other areas. “Plunging natural gas prices have turned the US into one of the most profitable places in the world to make chemicals
and fertilizer,” says the Wall Street Journal. It’s also “slashed costs for makers of energy-intensive products such as aluminum, steel and glass.”
But there are some storm clouds on this bright horizon, Driessen notes, “Unfortunately, Team Obama remains largely opposed to domestic drilling, fixated on “renewable” energy, despite having already wasted some $97 billion on wind, solar and algae projects – and poised to unleash a boxcar of new EPA and BLM rules designed to usurp state
control and restrict or hyper-regulate fracking on federal, state and private lands alike, win or lose on November 6.”
Check out the whole article here:
or here