October 25th, 2013
On Wednesday, October 23rd, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) hosted a two-session public listening hearing on their newly proposed carbon emission standards. Derived and driven by the Obama Administration earlier in the year, EPA is seeking public input before imposing carbon restrictions on the American people.
Many came out to represent their energy plants, labor organizations, advocacy groups, and in some cases, themselves as concerned citizens. The two sessions were indicative of the largely held public belief that less government intervention and regulation would support sound utilization of our natural resources and would lead to a continued, clean transition to safer, more secure, more efficient energy production.
EPA first set forth what they were proposing and why. These carbon emission regulations, which would be detrimental to businesses and their operation, was centered around the ‘fact’ that climate change was evident and needed to be addressed through a more restrictive carbon regime.
The first of the two sessions began with 18 of the first 20 speakers speaking in opposition to the proposed increase in emission standards. This issue was deemed so important to many of these organizations, that some sent their top executives to speak on their behalf, such as the President of the Georgia AFL-CIO or the President of the Georgia Americans For Prosperity Chapter.
Although tone varied, from the robust to the reserved, the opposition to EPA propositions was evident. Among the more pronounced in their opinions, one individual stated that we would “debate your man and prove he doesn’t know what he is talking about.” The passion so many demonstrated should also be an indication to EPA that people are fed up with the overpowering presence the government has on their energy sources and subsequent electricity bills.