Climate Change Polls Last for Greatest Concern at Ramapo College of New Jersey


With Halloween right around the corner, we wanted to see what scared students the most! We asked Ramapo College of New Jersey, “What is your greatest concern?” The list featured ISIS, Ebola, Climate Change, and the Economy. 200 students, making up a little over 3 percent of the student population, voiced their opinion. Their greatest concern with 36% of the vote was the economy. Next was Ebola with 27% followed by ISIS with 21% of the vote. Polling last representing their least concern was climate change. Only 16% of students had climate change as their greatest concern.


Some were willing to explain why climate change was their greatest concern. One student said her environmental class taught her there are many problems climate change will cause in the future. Other students said we need to get more involved and create awareness about the environment. Another was quoted saying, “because we use a total of 2.5 planet earths in resources.” We made sure they visited our website!