This election has been called the most critical, the most important election of all time. America is at a crossroads, our economy is in tatters and jobs are nowhere to be found. But the hidden issue this election season is clean and fair elections. Neither party is completely innocent, and certainly “non-partisan” groups like and ACORN have given c4’s and c3’s a bad name in the game.
Documented stories of voter intimidation, non citizen voting, and ah yes, the tales of dead people voting are all proof that the system is not flawless. CFACT advocates for clean and fair elections because we believe in freedom- and the protection of that freedom.
This election CFACT is encouraging people to go out to the polls as poll watchers or poll challengers. A political party or campaign can authorize you as a poll challenger. Remember, party affiliation is not what you are looking for- everyone has the right to vote. Go protect that right. This election, do your part. Make sure that the only votes are legal votes and everything is clean and fair.