The world is going to end in 12 years because of climate change.
That’s what Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Senator Bernie Sanders, and media networks like CNN and MSNBC want you to believe.
They also want you to believe that young people, especially college students, are completely sold on the idea that human CO2 emissions are going to kill us all, and socialism is the answer.
But in West Virginia, student leaders are swimming against the alarmist tide. The College Republican leaders from across West Virginia endorsed a return to scientific honesty and debate not just on climate change, but across the environmental spectrum, by signing a letter to President Trump in support of the proposed Presidential Commission on Climate Security.
The Commission’s author is primarily Dr. William Happer, a Princeton University physicist, who wants a team of actual independent scientists to review the claims that climate change is a direct threat to national security.
“It was great having CFACT – in the heart of coal country – to support the President’s pro-coal, pro-energy Commission on Climate Security,” said Jessica Dobrinsky, newly elected Chair of the WV Federation of College Republicans and a junior at West Virginia University.
The Federation invited CFACT National Director of Collegians Adam Houser to discuss environmental issues with club leaders from around the State.
“I wanted to give these student leaders the information they need to start fighting back on environmental issues on campus,” said Houser. “So naturally we discussed how to talk about the climate change issue with fellow students. When I brought up the Presidential Commission on Climate Security, every CR in attendance signed the letter to Trump in support of it – from West Virginia University, to the University of Charleston, to Marshall, to Concord, to Fairmont State. They all wanted to tell the President, ‘Hey, we’re you’re base. We are young people. And we fully support you on this.'”
The President has yet to make a decision on the Commission, but it has already drawn the ire of of the Left. Michael Mann, a particularly leftist scientist, said Americans should not be “fooled by the Stalinist tactics being used by the White House to try to discredit the findings of mainstream climate science.”
“It’s hard to see how an independent board of climate scientists led by a peer-reviewed Princeton University physicist, to take a closer look at climate change, is a ‘Stalinist tactic,'” said Houser in response. “The scientific method supports testing hypotheses and performing experiments. Let’s do just that when it comes to climate change, before we shutter the livelihoods of many who work in the energy sector in places like West Virginia.”
The Federation had a lively discussion of other topics as well, including the Green New Deal, nuclear power, and conservation.
The West Virginia Federation of College Republicans is going to make waves in support of sane environmental and energy policy in the State. They’re just a few of the many young people in our country that haven’t bought the snake oil from the Left.