Collegians at Seattle University powered up during the semester with an energy talk from Dr. Edward Bohn. The topic; A perspective on energy in the US focused on energy demand in the United States and what types of energy producers were the best to meet our countries needs without breaking the bank.

In his talk Dr. Bohn highlighted the efficiency of traditional fossil fuel energy sources such as coal and oil and gas while also showing the vast wealth of supply the US has of these resources. Currently the US boast the cheapest energy prices in the industrialized world which allows for businesses to produce more for cheaper and for households to enjoy a higher standard of living. Other energy sources that were praised were nuclear and hydroelectric production which Dr. Bohn stressed could continue to provide low cost energy into the post fossil fuel future.
In contrast the rise of alternative energy sources such as wind and solar continue to thrive off subsidies funded by taxpayers and cannot currently survive on their own on a mass scale. Dr. Bohn highlighted that switching to these costly alternatives now would put a huge financial burden on the average household and would greatly diminish productivity among business.

Students were impressed with the talk and walked away with a new view on how power gets to their phones, appliances, and homes. CFACT President at Seattle University Christian Spears said, “We had an excellent event and were very pleased with the expertise that Dr. Bohn was able to bring to campus. It was exactly what we were hoping to accomplish. He spurred a lot of interesting conversations and spurred intellectual curiosity in a topic we don’t usually discuss.”
After events like these students are armed and ready with the facts to better educate their peers and rebut fake news about the fossil fuel and nuclear industry.
It’s not every day that a well-spoken and well-informed young lady puts an entire government...