CFACT at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, hosted CFACT national president and co-founder Craig Rucker to discuss how liberty and free markets provide the best environmental solutions.
“A lot of students these days don’t know how good they’ve got it in this country,” Rucker said after his presentation. “The freedoms they have, and the blessings from free markets and technology they take for granted, are things that other nations still yearn for. Thankfully, our kids at CFACT Minnesota recognize this, and fight for these freedoms on campus every day.”
Rucker explained how radical environmentalists look at the world as a finite pie of resources. There’s only so much to go around, and it must be forcibly divided up equally through socialism – they say. CFACT, on the other hand, believes that the Earth can provide an almost limitless bounty of provision, and the real mission should be to grow the pie through capitalism, not fight over how to divide it.

“This is the bread and butter of CFACT, this is why we fight. And the students here really benefited from hearing straight from the founder of the organization,” said Bill Gilles, student coordinator at the University of Minnesota for CFACT.
“With all the Leftists on campus looking like they’re growing more powerful every day, our students needed a pep talk from the boss,” explained Christina Norman, an alumnus of the University of Minnesota and CFACT’s current Director of Development. “They’re more fired up now than ever to continue to make a difference on campus.”
Rucker also discussed the long history of the fight against radical environmentalism, and how a well-meaning movement quickly descended into the depths of advocating for socialism.

“Back in the day, many groups were formed to protect the environment. One of those groups was Greenpeace. Unfortunately, Greenpeace has become a very anti-humanity organization, and has even embraced eco-terrorism by destroying fields of GMO test crops that could help cure blindness and malnutrition in children in underdeveloped countries.
“Scientists like Dr. Patrick Moore, who spoke to your group earlier this semester, abandoned Greenpeace after helping to create the organization because they had abandoned the principles they were initially founded upon.”
CFACT at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, will continue to be a beacon of freedom on campus for many semesters to come.
It’s not every day that a well-spoken and well-informed young lady puts an entire government...