Morano and Driessen rock the house at Dartmouth

Last Thursday, CFACT speakers Marc Morano and Paul Driessen traveled to New Hampshire to talk to the Dartmouth College Libertarians. This was a hallmark event for the Dartmouth Libertarians group, as the Libertarians had not had an environmental speaker. However, it was also a hallmark event for CFACT, as it is CFACT’s first foray into Ivy League campuses. Dartmouth warmly received the speakers and their aide, CFACT National Field Coordinator Bob Knee.

The event started off with Morano, who spoke about CFACT’s role in fighting back against the leftist climate narrative. Morano then proceeded to thoroughly and completely debunk the actual points the left attempts to make, to the ‘ooh’s’ and ‘aah’s’ of the enthusiastic crowd.

CFACT speaker Paul Driessen lecturing students about ocean levels

CFACT’s second speaker, author Paul Driessen, proceeded to follow Marc’s points with even more fact-based data and research. Driessen was even kind enough to bring to the event an actual rock fossil, and used it as a tactile tool to teach the students about ocean levels. After the speeches were done, the students asked dozens of thoughtful questions to both Marc and Paul, and a spirited and lively discussion occurred concerning the wedding patterns, where Driessen and Morano taught the students that extreme storms are not increasing due to climate change.

Paul Driessen answering questions from a student

The Dartmouth libertarians had an amazing time, and were very grateful to CFACT for their efforts in putting on such an awesome event. To see Marc Morano’s segment of the speech, click here. To view Driessen’s, click here.