Knoxville, TN- Collegians For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) will be hosting events to protest the award of an honorary degree to Al Gore at the University of Tennessee’s commencement ceremonies on May 14.
‘Al Gore is setting a new standard for underserved honors,’ said Dillon MacDonald who is a CFACT-TN leader. ‘First he got a Nobel prize although he didn’t bring peace, now he’s getting an honorary degree for scaring Americans with flawed science. He flies in private jets, just bought another mansion, yet tells working people their houses are too large, their showers too warm, their cars too fast and our economy too free. We should give him a doctors in hypocrisy.’
First, on Thursday, May 13th at 7 PM CFACT will host ‘Climate: The Counter Consensus’ at the Tennessee Amphitheater in the World’s Fair Park. The event will feature Lord Christopher Monckton who last weeked testified before Congress on global warming, Ann and Phelim McElhinney, producers of the documentary ‘Not Evil, Just Wrong’ which debunks Gore’s film ‘An Incovenient Truth’ and others.
Then, on Friday, May 14th at 8am, students and community members will gather across the street from the Thompson-Boling arena in Knoxville, TN to voice opposition to Al Gore’s honorary degree and call attention to his alarmism and support for public policies that are likely to make him the world’s first ‘carbon billionaire’.
‘Al Gore’s developed an enviable quick rich scheme,’ Evan, CFACT National Field Director, said. ‘Sadly the rest of us will have to pay for it by tripling your gas prices, doubling your home utility bills, a couple million jobs, and trillions lost in economic progress. Al must be stopped.’
Protesters will urge political leaders to strongly oppose policies like cap and trade and other domestic or international mandates that would recklessly slash carbon emissions, based on unproven fears of man-made global warming. They will encourage them to support policies that keep energy reliable and affordable, protect American jobs, fully develop all of our domestic energy resources, and promote genuine environmental progress.
Al Gore has used global warming to stoke fears, win an Oscar, a Nobel Peace Prize and bolster his net worth into the hundreds of millions. Yet hard results from the earth sciences are replacing the consensus of Al’s political science. Scientists at NASA and MIT are making observations with new satellites and ground based technologies that not only adjust ‘ but directly contradict the assumptions in every computer model Al Gore uses to show we are doomed. Join CFACT and tell Al Gore we’ve had enough. There has to be a better therapy for losing a presidential election that won’t cost the rest of us quite so much.
Please contact Mrs. Evan Flores ([email protected], 530-524-2645) with any requests for information or interviews.
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