CFACT’s All Pain, No Gain video contest submissions are starting to roll in. This video, produced and directed by Morgan Brooke Hancock, illustrates starkly how “going green” really means getting lean.
Through sarcasm and wit Morgan forces us to look at the unintended consequences of global warming policies, which advocate for extremely expensive alternative forms of energy that will effect the poorest among us first -those who already have trouble securing energy even in its cheapest forms.
While leaving the poorest among us high and dry “going green” will only benefit industry insiders and the world’s richest -those who hope to buy, sell and trade carbon credits for a profit on a mock stock exchange in Chicago.
The so-called “Carbon Trade” would cause many currently wealth producing energy companies new liabilities. It would cause many to pass new costs off to consumers or else fold.
While rich and middle-class consumers can afford a spike in prices, the poorest among us can not. What will happen to those who are already maxed out financially when their energy prices soar and their bills become more than what they can afford? What will happen to their children?
How many lives will be lost when the United Nation’s removes the prospect for cost-effective energy solutions like that of clean-coal from providing affordable energy for the world’s poorest? Will they be forced into dehydration in the summer, or into freezing in the summer? We in the United States have been using these very methods for years! Why should we benefit and the least among us suffer?
Although some who want to “go green” mean well, they should be encouraged to examine this issue before we give them the green-light on their expensive and sometimes all too cliche` cause-celebre! Hopefully Morgan’s video raises the the red flag on “going green.” Hopefully the discussion raised by her video forces many to think about the law of unintended consequences, as it relates to “green” policies.