Last week Georgia Tech’s CFACT chapter was out in full force, recruiting new members and promoting the fun events they have planned for the rest of the semester. This isn’t the first time Johnny Simmons, CFACT-Georgia Tech President has hosted a recruitment table this year, but it WAS a first when the CFACT Polar Bear decided to stop by. As Johnny signed up tons of new students, the polar bear distributed fact sheets about himself – in an effort to demonstrate to all those students concerned about polar bears that they are doing JUST FINE!
Johnny Simmons is already busy planning for some upcoming CFACT events, “I’m excited about this semester, we have so many fun and interesting events planned! Our busiest month will be October, when we particapate in the world-wide premier of ‘Not Evil, Just Wrong’ and host renowned speaker Lord Monckton.”
Good work CFACT-Georgia Tech!