The CFACT club at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia recently held a hike of South Run Stream Valley Park in Springfield, VA. The event was intended to foster an appreciation of nature and the local environment in participants.
As part of the countywide trail system, this trail connects Burke Lake Park with Southrun Road. “The distance along this trail from the dam at Burke Lake to Rushing Creek Drive near Southrun Road is approximately 4 miles. The entire length of the trail has an asphalt surface. All stream crossings on the west side of Hooes Road are bridges. On the east side of Hooes Road the streams are crossed by fairweather crossings. Within the 192 acre South Run District Park are a variety of footpaths that are used by cross country runners, equestrians, joggers and walkers,” according to the Park’s official website.
The hike was a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of metro Northern Virginia for the students.