Collegians from Saint John’s University, Saint Cloud State, University of Saint Thomas, and University of Minnesota decided to help other students prepare for finals by handing out CFACT Study Snacks and Fact! With the semester rapidly coming to a close now is the perfect time to share the facts about free market environmentalism with other students.
Andrew, a student from Saint John’s University, said, “This is a great way to get the word out about CFACT. Who doesn’t want some snacks when they are studying for finals?” Students from all of the schools worked to get students thinking about CFACT’s unique message. John Mickley, a collegian from the University of Minnesota, said, “Free markets and free snacks, what’s not to love?”
Hundreds of study snacks were passed out, and each snack contained a fact sheet explaining how the free market can be used to protect the environment. Most students were excited for the free snacks, but some stopped to talk. There were even a few who didn’t agree with CFACT’s message, but they had a hard time disputing the facts on our study snacks.