This was an exciting year for the Vanderbilt CFACT chapter. Located in a small university setting, numbering at just over 6,000 undergraduates, the members were able to host events and projects very visible to the majority of the student population. In aiming to expand the organization, two new executive board members were recruited for aid in planning and execution of events, with the goal to now begin recruiting further to form a deeper pool of members-at-large.
In execution of the educational ideals behind CFACT, the Vanderbilt chapter continued with the campaign, “A Convenient Lie,” aimed at exposing the fundamental flaws and misconceptions involved with many bandwagon environmental beliefs. For example, members hosted two Q/A booths at The Wall of Vanderbilt with a sign reading “A Convenient Lie: The Truth About Global Warming.” Another example of the campaign was the hosting of three Constitutional Rights Outspeak Nights, where members stood outside of residential halls and handed out pocket constitutions to students. Vanderbilt members have distributed CFACT “swag” to many members of the population on the grounds that the students participate in a poll to see which parts of the organization’s practices have been most noticeable and worthwhile. The Vanderbilt CFACT chapter could certainly be described as a small group of students with a very visible aim and message.