This previous weekend, CFACT sponsored Students For Liberty’s LibertyCon student gathering to bring the message of free market environmentalism to a broader audience. The event, which took place in Miami, Florida, was attended by both domestic and international groups and students who are dedicated to preserving and advancing the cause and principles of liberty. During the visit, CFACT’s mission was shared with freedom-loving students from around the world ranging from Zambia to Bolivia.
Surprisingly, a fair amount of these student groups don’t have an environmental group based in their country that focuses on free market principles applied to our conservationist issues. The CFACT table itself was greeted with positive response. It was the only table that was decorated appropriately for the season. Since CFACT focuses on serious problems the political and environmental world faces, the setup of the table was given brevity in order for attendees to have fun.
Visitors at CFACT’s table could participate in CFACT’s “Environmental Trick or Treat” game involving pumpkins and skulls placed in a pumpkin bag. The player would reach their hand in and if they pulled out a skull they got tricked with higher gas prices and radical policies such as the Green New Deal. If they got a pumpkin they’d get treated to information about methods that can help society flourish such as oil drilling and nuclear power (and also win some candy)!
Shakira Jackson, who helped staff CFACT’s table, enthusiastically said, “LibertyCon created a space for students across the globe to come together, share ideas and celebrate the victories they have had thus far when standing up for their liberties.”
As a result of this positive event, CFACT garnered sign ups of new students eager to join its Collegians program. Many students came away from the conference after interacting with CFACT’s table with a deeper understanding of what policies are best for a flourishing society, mainly, abundant and reliable free market energy.