To some students, the COVID pandemic seems like a time to take it easy.
A lot of people have used the time to sit on the couch, watch Netflix and disengage, but not our CFACT students!
Just a short while ago, one of our Driessen fellows, David Bucarey from George Mason University and a few of his friends used their COVID downtime to go for a hike and clean up some of the litter in Burke Lake Park while they were at it!
David and his friends Jago, Sam, Shamellah and Faven are passionate about their local environment.
They love finding ways to keep the Earth beautiful, while protecting local businesses from excess government, which is why they love CFACT. Through their passionate beliefs and the activism that backs them up, they have continued CFACT’s mission of PROVING that government overreach is not necessary to keep our environment clean. If the kids truly are the future, the future of liberty is looking bright!
Mr. Bucarey was particularly enthused about the overwhelming success the event was. “It was fun to get outside and enjoy nature during the midst of the covid lockdowns,” David said. “We wanted to show that we don’t just talk the talk on stewardship and getting students to enjoy nature, we walk the walk.”
That was welcome news here at CFACT.
Bob Knee, CFACT’s National Field Coordinator, commented that “at CFACT, our primary goal is promoting free-market solutions to environmental problems”, noting that he was “glad that the students were able to get out and advocate for what they believed in, and have lots of fun in the process.”
Adam Houser, CFACT’s National Field Director, concurred, stating that “CFACT’s mission is to highlight the fact that we can keep our environment clean without the mandates of a bloated bureaucracy. These students, and all our students, are phenomenal examples of practicing what they preach. The fact they were able to get out and have fun while doing it is just icing on the cake!”
David and his fellow students are planning even more impactful events, like documentary screenings, a virtual speaker, and more.