REAL Energy, Not Green Energy
CFACT Campaign 2013
Why is this important?
This new national advocacy campaign is dedicated to promoting a sensible energy future. Abundant energy sources such as oil, natural gas, nuclear and coal have recently experienced huge technological leaps that make these sources of energy cleaner, safer, and cheaper. Unfortunately, President Obama has posed dangerous new policies that threaten the job market and technological innovation. These choices will impact the future for all college students. Energy production impacts every industry, business and job. Utilizing REAL energy will provide for a growing, prospering economic and natural environment.
What is the campaign?
The REAL Energy, Not Green Energy campaign is focused on educating students about the importance of these issues. This campaign provides the means by which you can promote REAL energy on your campus. President Obama’s initiatives not only violate the general principles of a free-market economy, but also threaten the future of job creation. As a result, businesses will be deeply affected by decreased energy production, and the already fragile job market for young Americans will become even more volatile. Through grassroots efforts at the collegiate level, together we can build a coalition to call for REAL energy solutions.
How can I get involved?
You can make a difference in many ways. You can sign up to receive more information about these issues and what CFACT is doing to fight on your behalf. Simply provide an e-mail address and we will be sure to keep you up-to-date on energy-related issues, news, and events. Also, by working alongside CFACT, you can host a speaker, show a video on your campus, conduct a workshop, write an op-ed, or plan an event unique to your area that can get other students involved in our efforts. Lastly, you can lead the charge on your campus by founding a CFACT chapter. Our team will work closely with you to help develop goals and plans that will empower you to make the biggest difference throughout this school year.
For more information and to learn how to get involved, click on the images below.
Now is the time to stand up and make a difference for your future. Join our efforts today and together we can promote real energy solutions and ensure a strong future for generations to come!
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