Adam Houser

Georgia Tech Enters the Global Warming Fray
"Is that a trick question?" That was the response of one Georgia Tech student when...
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Judge Stops EPA Water Grab
On Thursday, August 27, a federal judge placed a temporary injunction against the EPA's Clean...
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The Alaskan Climate Frontier
It is rumored that President Obama will reveal a new initiative on climate change during...
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Let Africa Grow
When you think 'sustainable energy' or 'carbon emissions', what do you think of? I bet...
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Where is the Outrage?
On August 5, 2015, a crew being monitored by Environmental Protection Agency officials caused several...
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Polar Opposite
Conventional wisdom would have you believe that polar ice caps are shrinking, and this is...
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Fire and Water
Governor Jerry Brown of California called out politicians across the country after blaming the recent...
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If Not Now, When?
The Obama administration has released its Clean Power Plan (CPP), which calls for the United...
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Lions > People?
In a New York Times op-ed yesterday, August 4, 2015, a native of Zimbabwe raised...
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5 Facts You Need to Know About Obama’s Clean Power Plan
Obama's new energy rules try to increase the presence of renewable energy and decrease the...
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