Adam Houser

Got Oil?
Everyone is talking about how the deal with Iran will impact the nation's ability to...
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The Light at the End of the Tunnel
For those of us who are skeptical of catastrophic manmade global warming, it may seem...
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They Want to Regulate What Now?
Déjà vu. Yet another EPA regulation is causing problems across the nation. This time, it...
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The Battle of the Sage Grouse
What is a sage grouse? A sage grouse is a tiny, ground-dwelling bird that lives...
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Wind Turbines: More Harm Than Good
Australia has put an end to government subsidies of wind farms. Australian Prime Minister Tony...
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The Ice Age Cometh
It is the position of many scientists that the predictions being made by the United...
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The Mom Perspective
I grew up in New Jersey, the son of two teachers. My dad is a...
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Independence Day
On the issues of climate change, private property rights, and GMO foods, the same themes that...
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Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Jobs
In the most recent string of Supreme Court rulings, a blow was dealt to the...
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Save the World: Eat GMO’s
"Genetically modified organisms," or "GMO's," do not sound like something you would want to eat. When...
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