Al Gore made a stop in Portland Oregon last night and obviously, CFACT made a point of being there on the ground; exposing his misrepresentations of science, his hypocritical CO2-producing lifestyle and his get-rich-quick schemes (passage of cap and trade legislation!) We also were there getting the word out about the All Pain, No Gain petition. Hundreds joined outside of Keller Auditorium in downtown Portland last night, initially gathering in the park across the street from the auditorium and eventually circling the block and ending in front of the entrance to Al Gore’s event. Earlier in the morning, just before sunrise, vandals tagged Keller Auditorium with environmentally-themed messages to Al Gore. Although the mainstream media immediately put groups such as CFACT and AFP as the most likely suspects, it clearly was some other extreme-green group because the spray-painted messages were calling for even more centrally controlled government regulations than what even Cap and Trade would offer: “Climate Justice, not CO2 trading” and “Don’t buy false solutions”
CFACTers would never engage in an activity that included defacing public property!! We strive to make our voices heard through peaceful and non-damaging ways; check out the pics and see for yourself!!
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