Dinesh D’Souza joined CFACT students at the University of Minnesota Monday via Skype before the showing of his newest documentary, America: Imagine a World without Her. During the Skype session, students asked D’Souza, “How will environmental issues affect the 2016 presidential election,” and “What is your favorite thing about America.”
Despite the Left’s efforts to convince Americans of the danger of coal, oil, fracking, and climate change, D’Souza does not think these issues will be a big factor in the 2016 election. D’Souza ended the session by saying his favorite thing about America is the ability for Americans to be in control of their own destiny and being able to create their own life. With this, he ended the call and the movie began.
After the movie several students who were not already members of CFACT showed interest in joining the group and participating in future events. They thanked CFACT for showing the movie and for all of the work that they do on campus.
CFACT students at the U of M are looking forward to their next event on campus on Feb. 16, a global warming beach party. In the snow and freezing cold weather, students will dress up in their beach gear, grill hot dogs, and pass out fliers about the truth of global warming.
Written by Allison Maass
It’s not every day that a well-spoken and well-informed young lady puts an entire government...