UCLA, one of California’s largest universities, nestled in the home of Hollywood found itself confronted with the realities of the horrors of communism this week.
National Field Coordinator Greg Neff set up a memorial to the victims of communist atrocities this past May Day, an international communist holiday celebrated every May 1st by marxists around the globe. Setting up 100 red flags, each representing a million people murdered by these barbaric governments, with a sign explaining the purpose of the display. Hundreds of students stopped as the walked by to see what the display was with many taking pictures and seemingly either texting them or posting them to their social media.
One student, Gao, said, “my family came from a communist country and Americans do not talk enough about how bad things can be.”
Since the fall of the Soviet Union the national efforts to educate Americans about the evil nature of communism has all but ceased leading to a rise in Marxism among our youth. CFACT will continue fighting to educate our youth about the dangers of this totalitarian ideology. We look forward to attending additional universities for activism events like this in the future.