Talented comedians created a lot of laughs and created a not-so politically correct environment in the heart of one of the largest and most liberal universities in the country at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. About 70 students (and some others) attended the event. Several comedians vied for a $500 prize, rewarded to the most objectively scandalous performer. The event was very well received by attendees. Bryan Miller, the headliner of the event, delivered a hilarious routine to round off the night.
“I think this event really did what we intended it to do: It was funny, we didn’t pander to any groups who feel like they need a ‘safe space’,” said CFACT UMN President John Mickley. “So many legendary comedians like Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock don’t go to college campuses anymore because they are afraid of ‘triggering’ students. It has created an unhealthy political and intellectual environment. Events like this help ease that issue.”
Other comedians that participated were Corey Adam, Greg Coleman, Robert Baril, Shelly Paul, Dan Mogol, Ben Kruse and Isabell Johnson.
The event was just one of many efforts by CFACT collegians to fight against the politically correct culture that has engulfed America. Students at University at Albany, SUNY and Arizona State University put up free speech walls to allow students to write anything they wanted, no matter whether the political left would want to stop them. Last year, collegians at Auburn University protested the campus’ free speech zone, and got the onerous regulations lifted on campus.
Even President Obama spoke in favor of free speech at institutions of higher education. In a speech to Howard University, Obama said: “So don’t try to shut folks out, don’t try to shut them down, no matter how much you might disagree with them. There’s been a trend around the country of trying to get colleges to disinvite speakers with a different point of view, or disrupt a politician’s rally. Don’t do that — no matter how ridiculous or offensive you might find the things that come out of their mouths.”
CFACT students will always value the First Amendment and fight against the restrictions imposed on them by liberal administrators and faculty.
It’s not every day that a well-spoken and well-informed young lady puts an entire government...