It was a busy afternoon as CFACT collegians at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities engaged their fellow students on matters of free market environmentalism. The chapter at the U of M has always been dedicated to speaking out against the lies and pseudo-science of the radical left on campus, and in order to continue that mission, the club was out in force recruiting to build their already impressive chapter at the annual activities fair.
“We spoke with a lot of interested people, and got a ton of contact information,” said chapter president John Mickley. “Everyone cares about the environment, but many are surprised to find that there is an alternative to the radical environmentalists. When they find out they can protect the environment while also encouraging free markets, it excites them.”
There is a lot on the agenda this year, including helping grow CFACT’s presence throughout Minnesota and neighboring Wisconsin. In addition, CFACT’s newest campaign, “Stop Playing Games with Hunger,” will be a focus of the U of M chapter. Many collegians are very attuned to the needs of the poor and developing world. When it is shown that GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, are not only a safe method of growing crops that has been used for decades, but also has the potential to help feed millions of starving people around the world, it opens students’ minds on the subject.
CFACT at the University of Minnesota achieved a great deal last year by inviting Marc Morano and Alex Epstein to speak, cleaning up the campus community, and touring the Duluth Aquarium to explore means of fish conservation. With their outreach plan and new campaign focus, however, the club plans to improve on the already impressive number and quality of events from last year.
It’s not every day that a well-spoken and well-informed young lady puts an entire government...