CFACT made its presence known in Washington, D.C., where the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian recently hosted a symposium on climate change. The symposium, called ‘Mother Earth: Confronting the Challenge of Climate Change,’ featured several indigenous speakers who addressed what native peoples are doing to fight global warming. CFACT sent a ‘truth squad’ of students from CFACT Patrick Henry College to shake things up a bit!
When attendees started entering, the students took position a few feet away from the doors and began passing out a fact sheet tailored to the event. The speakers were convinced that the Arctic is melting because of human-induced global warming, and emphasized the importance of native peoples using renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. CFACT’s message was that man-made global warming is overblown, that denying native peoples the full use of modern technology is eco-imperialism, and that wind and solar are not environmentally benign.
Symposium attendees and other museum goers were very receptive to their message. One school teacher had recently been to a conference of global warming alarmists and was pleased to discover sound skeptical information and resources he could take back to his students. The conference workers were pleasant, even inviting the students to place their fact sheets on the table with the rest of the conference materials and to come stand with them right at the entrance! The students took full advantage of this incredible opportunity, placing a stack of fact sheets right next to the official program and handing them out at the door to everyone who entered.
Unfortunately, this was not to last. When higher up museum officials heard about their activities,the CFACT students were asked either to stop passing out the information or to leave the building. Since ceasing to spread CFACT’s message was not an option,the students then moved to the patio outside the museum, where museum officials again asked the students to leave. Eventually the students were forced to stand in the gutter’literally!’because the museum owned everything ‘from the curb to the building’!
Not even this could stop them and they continued to inform people of the truth about global warming alarmism and the ways indigenous peoples are harmed by policies that restrict energy development. CFACT’s presence and impact could not be ignored!