CFACT at the University of Minnesota hosted an information table in Coffman Student Union to continue to recruit students to the cause.
Local Chapter president Christian Fiksdal explained, “We are out here to engage students to let them know there is an alternative to the top down, authoritarian solutions proposed by traditional green groups and AOC’s (Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) Green New Deal.”
The CFACT members had dozens of productive conversations.
New CFACT Member Evan exclaimed, “I was kind of surprised by the positivity. I was sure we would get more push back and anger for not being a traditional environmental group. But the students who engaged us were all curious, polite and several seemed ready to join the group.”
CFACT national President, Craig Rucker, even stopped by to encourage the students in their efforts.
“We’ve got a great team here at our flagship chapter at the University of Minnesota,” Rucker said. “It was great stopping in to get to know our leaders a bit better and to say ‘good job!'”
Tabling is one of many outreach activities CFACT uses to engage students on campus. Stay tuned for more great events from CFACT at the University of Minnesota.
It’s not every day that a well-spoken and well-informed young lady puts an entire government...