Last night, CFACT-ers young and old came together for an intense All Pain, No Gain petition-gathering event. The North Houston Tea Party Patriots hosted a tea party at the Sam Houston Raceway, and thousands of attendees were expected, so naturally, we knew this event would be a prime place to gather signatures for our petition. In addition, Lord Monckton was the headlining speaker, so the event was bound to be great! In a period just over two hours, we gathered several thousand signatures. It was refreshing to be around so many people that knew what was at stake with the possible passage of Cap and Trade legislation, and therefore incredibly eager to sign CFACT’s petition. If Cap and Trade sounds like a bad idea to you, then head to your next local tea party and gather signatures just like we did last night!! Thanks to all those that came out last night and worked their tails off getting signers- YOU ROCK!!