Last week students at Kennesaw State University (KSU) received a fun and interactive lesson in the environmental dangers of offshore windfarms.
Setting up shop along the main walking path that snakes through the KSU Marietta campus Green, Driessen Fellow Bryce McConnell spent the sunny Friday afternoon donning a whale hat and his CFACT flag as a cape, informing his fellow students of the damage that offshore wind turbines inflict on marine life, especially the endangered North American Right Whale.
Armed with tennis balls, stackable cups with pinwheels taped to the top, and a banner reading “Stop Windmills,” Bryce encouraged interested students to knock down the “wind turbines” (pictured below) to save the whales and receive whale-shaped cheese crackers as a prize.
As students played the game, CFACT’s own caped crusader informed players that despite their portrayal in the media as “clean and green” energy sources, offshore wind farms produce a myriad of environmental hazards, including underwater noise pollution, maintenance shrapnel, lubricate and oil leakage, and disruption of whale migratory and breeding grounds. The event and information were well received by his fellow students, with one female student commenting “that’s so sad,” when informed of the devastating effects that offshore wind farms have on whale populations.
Thanks to the hard work of this Driessen Fellow, students attending KSU are now equipped with the real facts about supposed green energy.