One of the most effective ways to reach and convince the public is by writing a letter to the editor (LTE) of a newspaper or publication.
So, CFACT held a nation-wide contest called “Give Freedom a Chance” encouraging college and university students to write LTEs to newspapers on how the free market can help in energy, climate and GMOs (genetically modified organisms). The Grand Prize was $500! While the best in each issue category would win $150!
Readers’ minds were opened to the facts as our collegians articulately explained why individual liberty and technological innovation are the best solutions to environmental problems, not government. Letters were published all over the country, including New York, Georgia, Missouri and New Mexico!
Without further ado, we announce the winners of the contest!
Honorable Mention
Conner Dunleavy, State University of New York, Albany
“Free Market Environmentalism: It Works” published December 8, 2015 on
Conner argues that the free market, not government, is the only way to make energy technologies cleaner and more efficient.
Read Conner’s great submission here!
A Junior at SUNY Albany originally from Long Island, New York, Conner grew up fishing and enjoying nature. He believes that the free market offers the best solutions to the challenges of environmental issues.
First in Energy
Morris Sparkman, Denver University
“Free Market Brings Energy Independence” published December 30, 2015 in the Valencia County News-Bulletin and January 5, 2016 in the Albuquerque Journal.
Morris sheds light on how New Mexico can pursue both fossil fuels and renewables through the free market to provide jobs and protect the environment. Read Morris’ insightful News-Bulletin post here, and his Albuquerque Journal post here!
Originally from New Mexico, Morris Sparkman is a junior at the University of Denver studying Mechanical Engineering.
First in Climate
Brennan Mancil, University of Georgia
“Evaluating Government Action on Climate Change” published January 17, 2016 in The Arch Conservative.
Brennan explains that property rights can do more for the climate than the government ever could, or should.
Read Brennan’s awesome LTE here!
Brennan Mancil is a junior at the University of Georgia studying political science and international affairs. He is a leader in political groups, public speaking organizations, and Army R.O.T.C.
Grand Prize, First in GMOs
Nora Faris, University of Missouri
“Public Fear of GMOs May be Unfounded” published January 25, 2016 in the Missourian (submitted to CFACT and the editor January 17, 2016).
Nora makes a compelling argument on how our society embraces technology in every aspect of life, except for GMOs, and that should change.
Read Nora’s fantastic submission here!
Nora Faris is a sophomore at the University of Missouri studying agricultural science and journalism. She plans to obtain a law degree and pursue a career in public affairs, focusing on rural, environmental and agricultural policy.