Independent news agency Epoch Times known for their hard hitting stories that other news sources will not touch recently produced a new documentary about ESG and the threats it poses to America called “The Shadow State.” ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance score. This new woke system unites governments and corporations in a terrifying way, creating a global neo-fascist regime that chooses winners and losers based upo0n their adherence to their woke agenda.
Students from three campuses across the country at Louisiana State University, University of Houston, and University of Central Florida, gathered in classrooms on their respective campuses and streamed this hard hitting documentary. Afterwards the students had a remote question and answer period with the film’s writer and producer, Kevin Stocklin. Students posited various questions about what they could do to combat this looming threat and queried for deeper insight into the motivations of the advocates of this system.

UH Dreissen Fellow Gadai Bulgac described the evening this way, “The movie was very exciting, and everyone was curious to know more. It was shocking to find out how far the left has taken over almost all of the major corporation. We were grateful that we had the opportunity to ask the director, Kevin Stocklin, questions after watching the movie.”
This isn’t CFACT’s first venture into this topic, however. Many may have read Mark Marano’s book, The Great Reset, which extensively covers ESG or have seen our work through the University of Indiana in fighting ESG on the state level through HB1008. This is just our latest venture into one of the greatest threats to modern humanity. We will continue to educate our students and the rest of the voters about the importance of individual liberty as we all work towards our common goal of a healthy planet. We at CFACT are grateful for Epoch Times making their film and staff (numerous members worked behind the scenes beyond Kevin) available to our students for this viewing and if you too would like to view this highly informative documentary you can find it at
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