(Cancun Mexico – Ritz Carlton)
Climate Alarmism isn’t just for big government anymore. Big business sees big bucks to be made in the various climate schemes pushed by Al Gore and United Nations – and this weekend in Cancun they hosted a $1,000 a head ‘World Climate Summit’ at the Ritz-Carlton to woo our would be climate overlords into bailing out their sagging bottom lines.
“These companies have squandered their massive resources producing products people don’t want or can’t afford. The market has spoken and rejected these failed products. So now these companies are asking the world’s government to outlaw their competitors and force people to buy their unwanted goods,” said Lucas Scholl, a finance major at Vanderbilt University.
Collegians from across the country descended on the Cancun Ritz-Carlton to denounce these corporate bailouts disguised as climate change policy. “These companies can only sell their products if the UN or the government forces us to buy them or taxes us to subsidize them,” said University of Minnesota-Duluth senior Amber Schmidt.
The collegians waved signs denouncing the corporate giveaways and passing out fake ‘climate bucks’ to the attendees. “They want governments to print more money to finance their green profit schemes, so we’ll print our own money with the truth of what they are doing – and if they keep this up our fake climate bucks will be worth more than their ‘real’ dollars and euros,” said University of Minnesota junior Victor Black.
“It’s sad when these once great companies that produced so much, who used to bring us great products, now spend their profits on hiring more lobbyists and far less developing the kind of ingenious products and services that made them successful in the first place,” stated Vanderbilt University junior Dillon McDonald.
Reporters from Reuters, the Huffington Post, and many other media outlets covered the students protest and Lord Christopher Monckton engagements with what he described as the ‘bedwetting business’ flaks at the conference. Tune into CFACT.TV for videos on these encounters and more of CFACT’s activities at the COP 16 United Nations Conference.