During a swing through the Lone Star State, CFACT’s executive director, Craig Rucker, took time to visit with student activists at the University of Texas, Austin this past Tuesday. On the table were discussions dealing with developments on the UT campus –particularly those involving the “politically correct” student government — as well as future campaigns and efforts soon to be undertaken by CFACT.

UT Austin students perform the fracking survey in 2014. The vast majority of students polled supported fracking.
“I found the meeting to be very informative and helpful,” said student leader Vidal Castaneda, “I’m very confident we’ll be able to get students excited and involved in getting these CFACT campaigns done.”
Back in 2014, CFACT activists conducted a fracking survey on campus which found over 60% of UT students supported the important technology. As a result of this meeting with Rucker and the students, conducting another such survey is now in the offing, likely during this semester. Other things discussed included organizing a showing of CFACT’s movie “Climate Hustle,” bringing a speaker to discuss energy issues, and taking on the matter of liberal efforts to silence “free speech.”
“It is always heartening to meet with young leaders committed to making a difference,” commented Rucker, “and it seems in Texas, which is a BIG state, there always seems to be a BIG number of students willing to step out and give it a try.”
It’s not every day that a well-spoken and well-informed young lady puts an entire government...