While the practice of fracking is officially banned in New York State, debating the merits of fracking is not. That is exactly what happened at Syracuse University, when the College Republicans hosted CFACT’s National Field Coordinator Adam Houser.
“We’ve all heard a lot of rumors and stories thrown around about fracking, especially here in New York,” Junior Chris Pulliam said. “It was really cool to learn more about free market environmentalism and have my conceptions on fracking challenged.”
Among the fracking myths that were addressed were that it causes droughts, contaminates water, and everyone’s favorite: causes flaming faucets. Students were interested to learn that, despite what the left and the media says, all of these myths are easily debunked. Things like ethanol and biodiesel require tens of thousands more gallons of water per BTU produced than does fracking. As for contaminating water, even the EPA came out this June and said fracking poses no serious risk to drinking water. Finally, flaming faucets, wherever they have occurred, were due to natural gas being present in the water supply before fracking happened. Fracking, as the EPA proclaimed, causes no risk to drinking water.
Student Kevin Spector said that “On an issue as volatile as fracking, its important to know the facts. I’m glad I can go on campus armed with this information the next time a debate or conversation comes up. Limited government is important, and it makes just as much sense when it comes to a lot of environmental issues.”
The talk was a combined effort of CFACT reaching out to conservative groups on campuses and the Frack U campaign, which aims to bring awareness to the safety of fracking and its potential to provide more affordable energy for everyone.