It was only a month ago when Ohio House Republicans Wes Goodman and Andrew Brenner introduced legislation to protect free speech on college campuses in the State. To add to the momentum free speech is gaining in the State of Ohio, CFACT at the Ohio State University put up a free speech wall on campus so that students could support and exercise their First Amendment rights.
“This event comes at a perfect time for OSU,” said CFACT National Director of Collegians Adam Houser. “The school recently enacted a policy banning window art in college dorms. This is frequently a way students express themselves. Policies like this should be overturned.”
Many students stopped by the free speech wall to write down their feelings, support certain policies, or simply express their support for local sports teams.
The issue of free speech and political correctness has been a hot button issue around the country. Conservative speakers have been disinvited from campus, while other right-leaning clubs have been charged exorbitant security fees for their meetings as a back-handed way of trying to cancel their events.
The bill introduced by Goodman and Brenner would take aim at all these practices, including eliminating any free speech zones on Ohio campuses. Free speech zones are frequently abused by campus administrators as a way to force outspoken conservative students to lower-traffic areas of campus to remove them from public view.
“I’m excited about these developments against political correctness across the country. Students are beginning to fight for their rights, which is a beautiful thing,” added Houser.
CFACT at Ohio State has started off with a splash, first challenging their peers’ views on hurricanes and climate change with an impactful activism video. Expect more great things from this chapter throughout the year.