
Illinois Collegian to BOEM: “Stop Endangering Marine Life”
It’s not every day that a well-spoken and well-informed young lady puts an entire government agency on notice. However, I’m happy to report that today is one of those days. Reaching out across the internet to administer a digital smackdown, CFACT collegian Pearl Beyer recently penned and submitted a superb public comment to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), expressing her concern over BOEM’s proposed partnership with the Californian...
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Survey Says: New Jersey College Students Reject Offshore Windfarms
Our CFACT Collegians have started the semester by hitting the ground running, with the first event of the year taking the form of a campus-wide survey in the Garden State. Collegian Ariana Alonso took advantage of William Paterson University’s annual club fair to ask students if they supported offshore windfarms even if it meant threatening endangered whale species. The CFACT booth quickly became the buzz of the fair, with students...
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Generous Oklahoma Collegians Spread Christmas Cheer
Though the fall semester had already officially ended, CFACT campus representative Trenten Rippy of the University of Science and Arts Oklahoma didn’t let that stop him from spreading some Christmas cheer and giving back to his community over his winter break. Teaming up with local charity Chickasha Soup Kitchen, Trenten and his CFACT chapter gathered on a brisk winter afternoon in a grassy lot behind the kitchen to build an...
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Reopening Palisades Power Plant Shores up Michigan’s Electricity Security for the Future
Nuclear power as a means of energy production has in recent decades become a taboo topic in the minds of many Americans. Despite having developed into the world’s cleanest method of generating electricity, western nations continue to abandon and decommission nuclear power plants in favor of less reliable and more expensive “green energy.” To combat this unscientific and economically illiterate move, CFACT campus representative Darren Fife attending Grand Valley State...
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Nationwide Campus Cleanup Initiative is Huge Success
Over the course of the fall 2024 semester, CFACT campus representatives have been hard at work organizing clean up initiatives both on and off campus throughout the country. Good stewardship of the land and nature is a core tenet of CFACT’s philosophy, and as such these students have been keen on ridding their communities of any unsightly trash and litter. Pictured above, collegian Connor Taylor and several friends recently scoured...
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Wind & Solar is Tricky, Reliable Energy is a Treat!
Halloween was extra spooky this year on William Patterson University’s campus in New Jersey, thanks to CFACT Collegian Ariana Alonso’s efforts to demonstrate how dangerous relying on “green” energy really is. Setting up shop on one of the main veins of her campus’s sidewalks, Ariana covered her table with candy, informative signs, and literature. The catch? One side of the table labeled “green energy” offered students a single lollipop, while...
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University of Illinois Says MHGA: Make Hunting Great Again
In today’s day and age, hunting is often overlooked by many Americans as a practice that is useful and beneficial to modern society. We have factory farming, supermarkets, and supply chains, why would anyone still need to hunt for their food? Despite the complex agricultural methods we have today, hunting remains a timeless method of not only procuring meat, medicine, and fur, but conservation as well. Maintaining wildlife populations within...
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CFACT Campus Update: Free Market Stewardship in GA, KS, OH & SD
It’s been a busy semester for our CFACT Collegians. Throughout the country, CFACT campus representatives have been hard at work hosting events, pulling stunts, and improving their community through activism. Here’s just a few examples of what they’ve been up to. Pictured above, Luke Alley tabled and passed out literature on Denison University’s campus sidewalks in Ohio to raise awareness about nuclear energy, and its role in combatting pollution. Hoping...
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Angry Birds’ Revenge Carnival Game is ‘Smash’ Hit
CFACT’s national campaign to raise awareness about the negative environmental impacts that wind turbines have on wildlife is going exceedingly well this semester. For decades now, left-wing environmentalists and climate alarmists alike have endlessly advocated for taxpayer-funded wind energy projects. Its inability to compete with more reliable and time-tested sources of energy production like natural gas or nuclear fission aside, proponents remain firm in their claim that wind energy is...
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University of Georgia Students Get Dose of Climate Realism
Thanks to decades of leftist infiltration, most college campuses today are completely void of political, social, and scientific arguments that don’t fit into their carefully curated worldview. Scholars and faculty with alternative perspectives need not apply. This of course includes the topic of climate change. From their first day of classes to their graduation ceremony, students are brainwashed with apocalyptic tales of dying polar bears and ever-increasing natural disasters. You...
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Wind Power vs. Nuclear: Which is Really ‘Clean?’
With college campuses saturated in climate hysteria thanks to the mainstream media and university faculty, the truth about energy production is often completely lost on student bodies. In CFACT’s Collegian program, we encourage our students to do whatever they can to inform, educate, and persuade their fellow students that “clean” energy like wind power is anything but. That’s why CFACT Collegian Rembrandt Pearl recently penned an excellent op-ed for his...
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Georgetown, George Mason Collegians Submit Public Comments Against Offshore Wind
One of the cornerstones of American democracy is the right of any voter to weigh in on public policy proposals. Along with campus activism, we encourage our CFACT Collegians to do just that. After all, tyranny and bureaucracy only grow in the absence of an informed and concerned citizenry. Georgetown University graduate student A.J. Conte (pictured above) and George Mason University student Austin Crockett (pictured below) are among the latest...
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Conservative Eco-activism, A CFACT Campus Update
Though the college fall semester is only halfway through, CFACT Collegians throughout the country have already hosted a semester’s worth of events. This article is dedicated to showcasing just a handful of our students’ efforts thus far. Pictured above, Ellie Mercer recently passed out garbage bags at Columbus State University to aid in cleanup efforts after Hurricane Milton tore through her home state of Georgia. According to Ellie, “A lot...
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CFACT’s Campaign Against C02 Pipeline Project Comes to New Jersey
Last week on the brisk morning of October 10, CFACT Collegian representative Ariana Alonso took to the sidewalks of William Patterson University with a purpose. Sporting her collegian t-shirt and equipped with a clipboard and caffeine, she set out to inform and persuade her fellow students about the importance of halting construction on the Summit Carbon Solutions pipeline project in the upper Midwest. Fraught with environmental concerns and private property...
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Houston Driessen Fellow Organizes Kayaking River Clean Up
This October, CFACT Collegian Hai An Hoang attending the University of Houston Downtown (UHD) noticed that the local Buffalo Bayou river that winds its way through the heart of downtown, was choking with unseemly litter and garbage. From soggy discarded shoes to water-laden plastic bags, the watershed was quickly becoming inhospitable for local wildlife. Unwilling to see her local environment so carelessly violated, she set out to remedy the situation....
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