The government is ever vigilant, protecting us from…little girls’ birthday parties?
Martha Boneta, owner of Liberty Farms in Northern Virginia, was the target of an all out front by radical environmentalists and corrupt government officials to rob her of her farm. One of their most ludicrous attacks was fining Martha for lack of appropriate permits when she hosted a birthday party for her friend’s little girls. How dare she??
American University collegians in Washington D.C. hosted Boneta to discuss her fight for liberty and property rights and to screen the award winning documentary made on her fight, “Farming in Fear.”
“It was eye opening,” said student Annamarie Rienzi. “Some of this stuff sounds so crazy you have to see it to believe it. An American government persecuting someone for just wanting to sell tomatoes and save rescued animals…it makes you realize how precious our freedoms are and how hard we have to fight for property rights.”
“You can all make a difference,” said Boneta as she addressed the crowd. “I was just a shy farm owner a few years ago. Thanks to my community and those who so selflessly came to my aid, we made national and international news in our fight to protect farmers and everyone’s right to do what they want with their land. Don’t believe what everyone else says; your vote and voice can make a huge impact.”
After spending her savings and years of work developing her farm to fulfill her lifelong dream, the local and county governments tried everything they could to harass and intimidate Martha to make her leave her property. Shoddy IRS audits, unceasing county, animal and health inspections, fines and permit violation notices, even slander from local politicians and neighbors were just a few of the tactics employed by the corrupt. Despite the onslaught, Boneta and her supporters eventually won sweeping reform passed in the Virginia State Legislature protecting farms and land owners.
“It was so great to hear from Martha,” John Nagle, president of Young Americans For Liberty at American University remarked. “Her story puts a human face on the need to protect private property so that everyone can live out their dreams.”
“So many people came to help me in my fight,” Martha added. “Whenever you have the opportunity to write, or volunteer, make phone calls, knock on doors or testify for an issue you are passionate on, take it! A group of Virginia farmers and families took on corruption at one of the highest levels. You can too.”
Students were so engaged with Boneta’s talk and impressed by her fight the vast majority of attendees stayed for another hour after the discussion to continue to talk with Boneta about her thoughts on issues and ideas.
It’s not every day that a well-spoken and well-informed young lady puts an entire government...