Available Positions:
Looking to make an impact on your college or university campus? Want to show your fellow students and professors how capitalism actually helps the environment? Then sign up to be a part of the growing team of CFACT Driessen Fellow campus interns!
The Driessen Fellow program is based on the philosophy espoused by Paul Driessen, author of Cracking Big Green and Eco Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death. Driessen is a stalwart advocate for true conservation, societal advancement, and the rights of minority and indigenous peoples around the world.
Position: Part-time
Desired Skills and Experience: Current undergraduate or graduate student at a college or university with a passion for free market environmentalism, sound energy policy, real stewardship, and private property rights.
Organize campus events such as inviting expert speakers, litter clean ups, documentary screenings, or distributing flyers on important issues to raise awareness for free market environmentalism.
Recruit new students to the cause by talking to friends and contacts or tabling on campus to gain new contacts and members.
Document your efforts with photos.
Make up to $1,200 per semester.
Work remotely with no need to put in long hours doing reports that can interfere with study or other plans.
Build your resumé and expand your work skills.
Learn about the driving philosophy behind private property rights and free market environmentalism as well as data and facts that back up these theories in the real world.
Please email leadership at [email protected] to learn more!
CFACT students and staff pose at the 16th annual Eco Summit student retreat in Port Charlotte, FL.
University of Maryland students tour the Covanta energy-from-waste facility in Alexandria, VA.
CFACT students and staff at the Eco Summit student retreat in the Inner Harbor of Baltimore, MD.