CFACT at Indiana University, Bloomington organized a screening of CFACT National’s documentary, Climate Hustle 2: Rise of the Climate Monarchy.
CFACT Driessen Fellow Kyle Reynolds had this to say about the event: “It’s important to show films like Climate Hustle 2 to students to push back against the leftist propaganda on climate change. We were happy to learn the facts about hurricanes, temperatures, and polar bears.”
Some groups aim to take a compromise position on the climate change issue, saying that it is a 100% certainty that humans are causing climate change, we just need unique solutions to deal with it. CFACT, on the other hand, works with scientists and experts across the spectrum, with some saying humans are likely the cause but there is no climate crisis, and others saying climate is completely natural. Regardless of your view on climate change, it is CFACT’s belief that taking a “compromise” position on climate to adopt halfway “solutions” will only open the door to an eventual Green New Deal and other terrible ideas. For CFACT, it is freedom all the way.
Kyle’s group at Indiana also screened CFACT’s first movie, Climate Hustle. He’s helping to train up a whole group of informed and educated students at IU Bloomington!