The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is the largest gathering of conservatives in the nation in Washington, D.C. This year at CPAC, CFACT revved up our previous activism there in a big way. While gathering signatures for our All Pain No Gain petition, we gave the conservative activists information on global warming and the fallacies of cap and trade policies. Our theme this year was ‘Got Global Warming?’
Starting off the morning with doughnuts, we attempted to “fatten up” the CPAC crowd for the global cooling we’re all experiencing! Folks lined up to sign our All Pain No Gain petition against Cap and Trade, while CFACT students and staff handed out doughnuts and fact sheets. ‘Sign our petition and get a free doughnut!’ was the first thing CPAC attendees heard as they entered the exhibition hall.
CFACT’s polar bears hit the halls in the afternoon. Our dancing bears were quite the hit, drawing large crowds, and a little bit of paparazzi. As they danced, other CFACT’ers were busy handing out clip boards and buttons.
Later on, CFACT offered CPAC attendees chocolate milk and cookies to make a point. ‘Got global warming? No? Have a cookie!’ hollered out our CFACT students. Again, folks were lining up, anxious not only to get a cookie, but to support our efforts against cap and trade policies.
We topped it off by walking down the giant line for Glenn Beck and passing clip boards down the line. Folks were eager to sign our petition and not just because they were bored! The amount of support for our efforts was overwhelming.
It was great to meet so many activists and to have some great discussions about cap and trade. CFACT gathered almost 1,000 signatures for the All Pain No Gain petition.
Want a “Got Global Warming?” shirt or other fun stuff? Check out our online store here.
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