Students at Union College recently showed It’s Not Evil, Just Wrong -a critique of Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth.” This film, which documents the flaws in Gore’s movie was used by the student group to educate their classmates in a constructive way.
“The students had free pizza to eat while they were educated with the truth about so-called “global warming” -it is not significant and it is not caused by human actions in any substantial way.” stated the group chair, Olivia O’Malley.
After the movie the students hosted a discussion group. “All in all the students seemed pretty convinced that Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Truth’ was not much more than a propaganda piece, designed to frighten mainstream Americans into taking desperate and drastic action, or else face cataclysmic consequences” stated Andrew Curran, who helped organize the group.
It’s not every day that a well-spoken and well-informed young lady puts an entire government...