CFACT’s chapters at the University of Connecitcut, Sienna College and Rutgers
CFACT’s chapters at the University of Connecitcut, Sienna College and RutgersUniversity all recently hosted Alex Epstein from the Center for Industrial Progress for aNorth East speaking tour.
Epstein made the Environmental case for fossil fuels and for expanding safe extractionmethods such as hydraulic ‘fracking’. Epstein argues that fossil fuels have allowedhuman to better protect the environment and advance civilization and technology beyondthe squalor of absolute poverty.
Epstein went into the catastrophic claims being made about climate change, anddebunked many of the claims and brought to light the much harsher reality that we wouldface if fossile fuels were limited in the name of climate change.
Epstein is preparing for a debate with environmentalist Bill McKibben at DukeUniversity on November 5th. Epstein noted, “I’m dealing with a smart, slick adversary(McKibben) and an audience that’s coming in thinking about the issues much differentlythan I do.” Be sure to attend or check his site at
It’s not every day that a well-spoken and well-informed young lady puts an entire government...