Gabriella Hoffman at WVU: Hunting is Conservation
"Without hunters, conservation wouldn't exist. That's a simple fact." Attendees of Hoffman's talk pose with...
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The story behind the pump: Louisiana students tour offshore drilling rig!
The tour guide leads CFACT students on the rig prior to heading inside the living...
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FRACK the Paris Climate Deal at the March For Science!
The Left tries to paint everyone who does not agree with their radical environmental agenda...
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Northern VA student submits testimony against proposed Virginia Cap & Trade scheme
The State of Virginia is getting ready to follow the liberal Mecca of California down...
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California State Univeristy: Students “Make America Beautiful Again” by cleaning up a park
California State CFACT putting environmental stewardship into action! Students at the California State University decided...
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Climate Debate at Florida International University Dares To Have Both Sides Present
People gather to hear the climate debate. In an age where nearly all universities teach...
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Let us tell you about David Rothbard
From the CFACT Family: Let us tell you about David Rothbard. It is up to...
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University of Georgia: Liberty abounds as students hold free speech tabling event!
Students at the University of Georgia decided to put liberty into action buy holding a...
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Shoot & Scoop at the Ohio State University!
OSU Collegians clean up their shells left behind after taking turns at the range. CFACT...
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Ben Shapiro at UMN: CFACT & free speech prevail over protesters, liberal campus administration
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Shapiro addresses the packed crowd of more than 400 attendees. A talk hosted by CFACT...
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