3 real conservation successes to celebrate this Earth Day
The mainstream media doesn't like to report on positive news of any sort these days....
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Miami University (OH) holds activism training with Leadership Inst.!
Prior to the COVID-19 crisis shutting down schools, the Miami University Oil & Gas Club...
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Ann Coulter slams fake environmentalism in CFACT livestream
While the coronavirus crisis closed college campuses and pushed classes online, CFACT’s Collegians weren’t going...
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(Pre- Covid 19) University of Hartford Students Stay Up Late To Search For Snowy Owls!
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Before the Covid 19 virus shutdown CFACT Students at the University of  Hartford decided to...
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(Pre-Covid 19) CFACT talks shop with USC College Republicans!
Earlier in the school year prior to Covid-19, CFACT spoke to the College Republican Leadership...
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CPAC 2020: the “Climate Hustle 2” movie hype is big!
CFACT's great team helped get the word out at CPAC about Climate Hustle 2! CFACT...
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CPAC 2020: Would you bet the world will still be here in 10 years?
To promote CFACT's upcoming movie, Climate Hustle 2: Rise of the Climate Monarchy, CFACT dressed...
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George Mason grows free market message on campus
Peter discusses CFACT's mission with a new recruit on campus who is excited to get...
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CFACT breaks the ice with facts at University of Michigan!
Above: CFACT's Associate Director of Collegians, Graham Beduze, hands out a flyer explaining CFACT's stance...
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Hartford, CT students brave the cold to clean up campus
Hartford students clean up litter left behind on campus! As the winter cold settles in,...
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