Top 5 Climate Change Myths: Do You Believe Any of These?


You might want to hold off on buying that doomsday bunker…

Myth 1: Global Temperatures Are Warming at Record Rates


False. According to satellite data, the Earth has not seen any global warming for 18 years and 5 months. Sorry, that mid-winter beach weather might not be as close as you thought.


Myth 2: CO2 Levels Are Higher Than They Have Ever Been


CO2 levels are just under 400 ppm in Earth’s atmosphere today. Many see this as a warning sign that temperatures will begin to skyrocket unless the unprecedented levels are reduced. This isn’t the first time CO2 levels have been this high, however. When one looks at the geologic records, Earth experienced periods of time when CO2 was at 2000 ppm to as high as 8000 ppm. Additionally, 12,750 years ago, Earth had very similar temperatures to today with CO2 levels as high as 425 ppm, without any human influence. Princeton’s Dr. William Happer stated that the Earth is currently in a ‘CO2 famine’ in testimony submitted to the United States Senate in 2009. Dr. Happer is the author of 200 peer reviewed scientific papers.


Myth 3: No “Real” Scientists are Skeptical of Manmade Catastrophic Climate Change

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Meteorologist Hajo Smit of Holland: former member of the Dutch United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) committee. “Gore prompted me to start delving into the science again and I quickly found myself solidly in the skeptic camp…Climate models can at best be useful for explaining climate changes after the fact.”

Dr. Vincent Gray of New Zealand: expert reviewer on every draft of the IPCC reports since 1990, and author of more than 100 scientific publications. “The claims of the IPCC are dangerous unscientific nonsense.”

UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh: award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist. Climate change alarmism is the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.”

UN IPCC Scientist Dr. Steven M. Japar: PhD atmospheric chemist who was part of the IPCC’s Second (1995) and Third (2001) Assessment Reports, and has authored 83 peer-reviewed publications in the areas of climate change, atmospheric chemistry, air pollutions and vehicle emissions. “Temperature measurements show that the [climate model-predicted mid-troposphere] hot zone is non-existent. This is more than sufficient to invalidate global climate models and projections made with them!”


Myth 4: Natural Disasters Have Never Been Worse


Hurricanes at Category three or higher hit the United States 50% more frequently during the first half of the 20th century than in the second half. In addition, fewer tornadoes hit the United States from 2012-2014 than in any similar amount of time since the 1950’s.


Myth 5: CO2 Is Harmful to the Environment


In the process of photosynthesis, plant leaves use stomata (tiny holes) to diffuse CO2 into the interior of the plant. When there is more CO2 in the air, plants produce fewer stomata openings, and in turn do not use as much water in the process of photosynthesis. As a result, plants do not transpire as much water and this allows the plant to better withstand dry conditions. Increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere can increase plant life, reduce the burden on water supplies, and in turn produce more food and save more ecosystems.